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How many billionaires are there?
As of 2022 there were 3,194 billionaires in the world
- source: Statista
How much do they own?
Circa $14.2 trillion in aggregate (2024)
- source: Forbes
What is the Total Global Wealth?
Total global wealth was estimated at $454.4 trillion in 2023
Where do the billionaires live?
Top countries by number of billionaires (2024):
- United States: 813 billionaires
- China: 473 billionaires
- India: 200 billionaires
- Germany: 163 billionaires
- source: Forbes Billionaires List
Is billionaire wealth increasing?
Yes, billionaire wealth has been increasing significantly:
- The combined wealth of billionaires grew by over $1.5 trillion between 2023 and 2024
- The number of billionaires reached a new record in 2024
- Their share of global wealth continues to rise year over year
- source: Forbes Billionaires List 2024
Based on current trends, when will billionaires own more than half of global wealth?
Based on current data and trends:
- Billionaires currently own about $14.2 trillion out of $454.4 trillion total global wealth (approximately 3.1%)
- Their wealth grew by $1.5 trillion in just one year (2023-2024)
- At this rate of growth (assuming global wealth stays constant), it would take approximately 147 years before billionaires would own half of the world's wealth
However, this is a simplified calculation that doesn't account for:
- Changes in global wealth
- Compound growth effects
- Economic cycles and market fluctuations
- Policy changes and wealth redistribution efforts
- Therefore, this timeline could be significantly shorter or longer depending on these factors